At the 43rd World Scout Conference, Scouting Ireland's Dr Máire Fitzgerald was awarded Bronze Wolf. Máire is the youngest ever recipient of the Bronze Wolf which is the highest award in world scouting, and the 6th Irish recipient.

Máire Fitzgerald has been a Scout since 1998 with 109th Cork Ballinora and in 2011 became involved at the international level as a member of the Programme team for the World Scout Jamboree in 2011. Currently, she is the Chairperson of Lee Valley Scout County and Scouting Ireland's International Commissioner.
At the Regional level, Máire supported Rover Scouting between 2012 and 2019 through the European Region Agoras and contributed to the programme of successive editions of Roverway, the European Scout Region’s flagship youth event. She coordinated the development of the Regional Plan for 2019-2022, led the development of new rules of procedure for the European Scout Conference, innovated the volunteer recruitment and management process of the Region and served as the content manager of the Region’s Scout & Guide Academy. She currently continues to serve as the Coordinator for Innovation in the European Region’s Operational Framework.
At the World level, Máire was a Youth Advisor to the World Scout Committee (WSC) between 2014 and 2017, leading the unit on working methods and delivering a set of mechanics for clear evaluation, continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability in the WSC that have since been implemented in Regional Committees and NSO National Boards.
In the last triennium, Máire led the Task Force that conceptualised the merger of the World Scout Youth Forum and the World Scout Conference, facilitating the development of a more inclusive and accessible event showcasing youth engagement. She continues to serve as a WOSM Consultant in Good Governance and Youth Engagement until today, supporting NSOs with her expertise and insight.
For her innovative service, advocacy and contribution to Scouting, she is a role model for her generation and a worthy recipient of the Bronze Wolf Award!